Gettin' tagged
I am deeply, deeply tired.
I want to reach the end of my to-do list.
I wish becoming a grown-up weren't so expensive.
I hate that the sum total of my life is a piece of paper and a graduate degree.
I love my family and my friends.
I miss sleeping in a bed.
I fear losing those I love.
I hear Sean Connery. (GreekBoy is watching a movie in his room.)
I wonder if I've delayed my life for too long.
I regret working so much.
I am not very good at opening up to people.
I dance the samba with very elderly men.
I sing only when I'm sure nobody is listening.
I cry very, very quietly.
I am not always listening when people ask me questions at work.
I make with my hands food.
I write sentences with proper construction – unlike the one above.
I confuse Milan and Madrid. My excuse? "Well, they're both in Italy."
I need to change my clothes.
I should start running more often.
I start the day on the couch, checking my e-mail.
I finish the evening on the couch, checking my e-mail.
I tag the lovely Wild-Eyed Rose, in the hope that she is more optimistic than me.